Monday, November 13, 2006

My 2oth Birthday Bash @ Beach

well although it may not seem like it in the pictures, i wasn't sober in maybe half or more of these pictures. truthfully i don't even remember some of them being taken or who took them.
so to the people who were all out in getting me drunk, congratulations! you did it!
also i have some people to thank:
to my lovely kooya, honestly you the best. thanks so much for driving me there, taking care of my drunken ass and even taking care of bea. oh and yes for stopping all those times on the way back to let me throw my guts up.
thanks to sean for helping me drink some of it. if you didn't i think i wouldn't even have survived the night.
ck thanks for trying to kill me with chivas, enough is enough you know! plus thanks for the mario song
tina, my dear partner in crime... too bad we didn't even get close to the 1:3 ratio, i was gone by the time you came! hahaha.. sorry yea! erm, how about we do it for your birthday?
o and to shaun, what happened? we contributed o% to each other's drunkness! although we did get drunk together!
to everyone else just thanks for coming to celebrate it with me, buy me drinks, getting me drunk and just having a helluva good time during the night. i love you guys!

to those who gave me presents, connie for the flowers, kooya for the ferrero rocher, liz, terrence, sling and audrey for the candy and penguin.
thanks to kim bear for the headphones! practical instead of aesthetic.. =P
and also thanks to all those who wished me!

loads of luv =) lyn
(now i'm 2o! and old....)

whenever i think of you
a smile comes to my face
whenever you are near
my heart skips a beat
whenever i hold your hand
i don't ever want to let go
and i wonder why
i'm feeling like this....

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